serve oRléans
We want to be known for our generosity—with both our time and money—toward those in our local community. We provide opportunities to share our hearts and the good news of the gospel where we live as we serve together.
how you can lend a helping hand:

Community Little Library & Pantry
The Orléans Community Little Free Library and Pantry is a great starting point for anyone who ever felt, "I want to help, but I just don’t know how". Every day, people in our community visit our modern-day "well" located on the bike path in the hydro corridor behind the church (4825 Innes Rd) and collect resources to meet their family’s needs. Want to help out by dropping by with a donation? The items in the highest demand are cereal and toilet paper. Want to be involved with projects like this in the future? Get in touch with the church office and share what interests you.
Children's Summer Camp
Leader: Vacant
For one week during the summer, we open our doors to children in our community from prekindergarten up to Grade 6 (ending grade 5 entering grade 6) for a fun-filled half-day summer camp. We rely on volunteers to pull off a safe and successful camp: donating food and craft items; creating decorations; setting-up and tearing down; serving as counsellors and junior counsellors (age 12 and up); running games, songs, Bible stories, crafts; and preparing snacks for hungry campers. Summer Camp 2024 registration is now closed.