serve the world
Redeemer Alliance partners with several organizations to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the international community. We invite you to join us in supporting this work to spread the good news of God's love around the world.

Operation Christmas Child
Leader: Vacant
Every year in the fall, Redeemer packs dozens of Operation Christmas Child's iconic red and green shoeboxes with school supplies, hygiene kits, clothing and toys for distribution by Samaritan's Purse to needy children all over the world; sharing the Good News of Jesus and spreading great joy!
Mike and Marianne Botting
Mike and Marianne Botting serve with Emmanuel International Uganda. Since handing over the CHE ministry to their church partner after completing their assignment, God has directed the Bottings and a strong Ugandan ministry team to work on the formation of discipleship ministries based in churches of different denominations, and schools. The current ministry focus - Seeking First - is to raise up strong believers who will bless their own communities, and also bless the nations through becoming zealous "senders" and "goers" for the Kingdom of God - global missionaries to the unreached tribes of Africa and beyond! Click below to donate to the Bottings:
In comments specify: Uganda and project Jesus Film, Acholi Girls, Missions Mobilization, Child Discipleship.
Select "EI field Staff" & "Mike & Marianne Botting";In comments specify project:Jesus Film, Acholi Girls, Missions Mobilization, Child Discipleship

Defending Dignity
An initiative of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Defend Dignity exists to end all forms of sexual exploitation in Canada. Commercial sexual exploitation includes pornography, strip clubs, escorts, massage parlours and prostitution. All involve the selling of sexual services that undermine the dignity of women, men and children made in God's image, and are detrimental to a healthy society. Defend Dignity's mission is to raise awareness of the realities of all forms of sexual exploitation through events and resources; aid survivors through financial and practical resources; and advocate for law and policy reform with all levels of government and companies. To support Defend Dignity: pray for this ministry, get involved in advocacy, donate, or shop jewellery and books with proceeds to this charity.
Liam has been serving with YWAM Fire and Fragrance since 2019 in Kona Hawaii. Liam has been a part of staffing their Discipleship Training Schools to equip, train and send young people into the nations.
His ministry sends 3-month teams all over the world to almost every region to know God and make Him known, as well as to spark mission-sending movements from every nation to every nation. Liam most recently lead a team to Ukraine to work with churches and ministries inspiring people to take up the call of the Great Commission.